Tuesday, May 13, 2008

10. A World Government: Euro-Centric or Sino-Centric

"Reiko, call the travel agent. We need two tickets to “Capital City.” Where did you say that was again?"

Most Euro-American thinkers and idealists naturally (or UN-naturally) believe that the center of civilization will be Europe – Geneva? Or America – New York? Both UN cities. This thought in itself is racist and shows that we still have the “white man’s burden” to save the world and give it a proper government.

As I have written before, I have lived on four continents and in each I would have been quite comfortable with the capital of the United States being in any one of them.

If the world were to be united into 6-7 hegemonic spheres or eventually into one civilization, where is the "UN" or the capital?

The “capital” of the world has gone from Babylon to Rome to London to New York. Is there any reason to doubt that it will continue to move west?

Addendum 2:

Self-Refection in China - A House of Mirrors

China is an enigma even to itself. Unlike Japan when self-reflection of one is self-reflection of the nation, The “America” of Asia is a fruit pie of different peoples, each with a personality that cannot, nor has ever been, suppressed by the ruling state or empire.

While the “Han” are a homogenous people, they are no more homogeneous in thought than the “white” people of Europe or America. To imagine that they are “Chinese” as in “Japanese” is to live in a delusion.

When someone in China looks into a mirror what do they see?

Coming soon




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